Cat diseasessymptoms of illness
There are various cat diseases or rather feline illnesses that can affect your cat. Many cat illnesses can be identified by signs and symptoms that your cat presents with.
As acat owner, you will quickly identify when your cat is ill. You willbe familiar with your cat"s characteristics, eating habits and behaviorpatterns.
A cat owner who "knows" their cat will be aware of any cathealth problems.
There are a number of signs and symptoms that are common to many illnesses and diseases. We cover some of the most common here
Feline Vomiting Sneezing is dealt with under Feline Diseases | Cat constipation is described as a condition where the cat has difficulty emptying its bowels. Cat diarrhea is a condition where the cat passes frequent and watery stools (loose stools). Cat vomiting occurs when the contents of the cat"s stomach are forcefully ejected from the mouth. Cat sneezing is the sudden, forceful and involuntary expulsion of air from the nose and mouth - usually caused by an irritant. |
A healthycat will have a cold wet nose with no discharge (a warm nose is notalways a sign that the cat is unwell).
Its eyes will bealert and bright and have no discharge.
Healthy ears will be clean,clear of wax build-up, odorless and the cat will be alert and respondwell to sound. An occasional ear scratch is normal, but continuousscratching may indicate ear mites.
A healthy cat will have clean white teeth and pink gums. Yellow teethmay be an indication of plaque formation and red inflamed gums a signof gum disease.
A healthy cat will have a glossy coat without bald patches, dandruff,scabs or an unpleasant smell. The cat should not scratch excessively asthis could indicate a flea infestation or skin disease.
A healthy cat will have one to two bowel movements a day (this isdependent on diet) and they will pass urine several times a day. Anincrease in frequency of urination or passing of stools or straining maybe symptoms of certain cat diseases.
A healthy cat does not lick its anus excessively and there is no sign of "scooting". (Scooting means your cat drags its back-end across the carpet).
Cats with diarrhea,blood or mucus in the stool or blood in the urine need to see aveterinarian.
A healthy cat will have a good appetite and have a normal body weight- not too thin and not too fat as this may be indicative of catdiseases.
Prolonged lack of appetite, diarrhea or vomiting are all signsfeline diseases and needs veterinary attention.
To avoid your financial situation getting in the way of seekingveterinary care for your cat (or dog), you should consider a comprehensive health insurance plan for your kitty.
There are some amazing insurance plans available to pet owners. Before you take the plunge, do look at this cat insurance guide and avoid the pitfalls.
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