
5 Actions — er, inactions — that prove i’m as lazy as a cat

I wouldn’t call myself a ridiculously lazy person, but there are some things I do that are sloth-like — or rather, feline-like. I’m sure you’ll agree that cats are pretty lazy creatures, usually only springing to action when there’s some kind of payoff for them. Otherwise they lie around and wait for us to serve them.

Here are five ways I’m as lazy as a cat. Also, I enjoy being served.

1. Changing clocks

I have no idea why I don’t immediately change my bedside clock when we “spring ahead” or “fall behind.” It’s been several weeks since we were supposed to set out clocks back an hour, and guess what? I still haven’t done it. The other clocks in the house are good to go, but the one on my bedside table is still an hour ahead of the actual time. So what happens is, every time I wake up and look at the clock, I have to subtract an hour. I don’t like math, especially in the middle of the night. Why don’t I just adjust my clock? I have no idea.


2. Leaving clothes in laundry basket

Laundry is one of my least favorite chores — there are so many parts to it! I don’t really mind tossing a load in the washer and transferring it to the dryer, but when it comes to folding and putting away the items, my slacker-self kicks in. First of all, if there’s a cat who’s claimed the basket of clothes, why would I disturb them? I mean, really.

But if there’s not a basket-napping, and I decide to fold the clothes and put them back inside the basket, the clothes may or may not make it to the drawers. I have no problem digging around a full laundry basket for clean underwear.


3. Filling my gas tank

Why do I wait until I’m about to stall on the side of the road before I pump gas into my car’s tank? I’ll tell you why: I don’t like to pump gas. It only take a couple of minutes, but I avoid the whole process. I’m not normally a risk taker, but this is sort of risky behavior, especially in the cold winter-weather.


4. Using an alternative utensil

If I’m hungry and want to quickly grab something to eat, why would I stop and wash a spoon? If every spoon is dirty, I have no issue with grabbing a fork instead of taking a few seconds to wash the more desirable utensil. I’ve been known to eat Lo Mein with a teaspoon and using a fork to spread butter on my toast.


5. Staying in bed, even though I have to pee

OK, I’ll admit some of this has to do with cats. If I’m snuggling with a kitty, I’d usually rather deal with my full bladder than disturb my slumbering angel. But if there’s no cat in the bed, and I’m feeling extraordinarily cozy, I’ll stay in bed, even though my bladder tells me to head to the bathroom. Can’t … make … it … out … of … bed.


In what ways are you lazy like a cat? Tell us in the comments!

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About the Author: Angie Bailey is an eternal optimist with an adoration of all things silly. Loves pre-adolescent boy humor, puns, making up parody songs, thinking about cats doing people things and The Smiths. Writes Catladyland, a cat humor blog, Texts from Mittens (birthed right here on Catster) and authored whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds, a silly book about cats wheeling and dealing online. Partner in a production company and writes and acts in comedy web series that features sketches and mockumentaries. Mother to two humans and three cats, all of which want her to make them food.

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