
Unnecessarily banned dog breeds by certain regions

First and foremost, we need to stress that we don&rsquo-t believe a whole breed of dog should be punished just of some acts perpetrated by single dogs. Also, just because some poor dogs may have ended up in the hands of some bad owners, that doesn&rsquo-t mean the entire breed of dog should be punished and looked at differently. Sadly, that is how this world is when it comes to animals, and that is just what we are addressing here.

As much as it may seem to the opposite, there are many breed specific laws that seem to continue and thrive in places where certain dog breeds are deemed &ldquo-threatening&rdquo- or dangerous. Even though the ASPCA and Humane Society stand strong against the acts of vilifying breeds, there is little it seems we can do to prevent or stop it.

The worst part is, as many of you know, there are certain specific breeds that always seem to get the brunt of the negative attention. We are talking about Pit Bulls, but hopefully with this list, bringing to light a few other breeds that get some of that negative attention, too. What people seem to forget is how a dog acts depends on how the dog is raised, and not what breed it is. Pit Bulls are often used as accessories and weapons to certain people, and maybe it is time we focus our attention on holding those people accountable and less on blaming the breeds.

That disclaimer out of the way, here are the top thirteen banned dog breeds. You will notice we use some pictures of puppies, and some of the full size animal just to show you that dogs are rarely born vicious. They are simply taught to be that sometimes, and that comes back on us as humans, not the dog breeds.

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