
Excellent tutorial on customizing your pet pages!

Check Out This New Tutorial To Help Customize Your Pet Pages

Woofs and Meows. For all of you HTML/CSS/page customizing fans out there, have we got a treat for you!

Callie and PJ’s Mom has created an incredibly detailed and useful tutorial for creating customized frames for your Dogster and Catster pet pages.

From her instructions, “Ever since the cats at Catster and the dogs at Dogster have discovered they could change their backgrounds, add pictures and control the fonts, one area has eluded them; the frame around their profile.

The frames, as one friend put it, have now been conquered.”

Check out her beautiful pages for examples, and send her feline family some treats and loves for all the hard work she put into her well-written instructions. Thanks so much to Callie and PJ’s mom!

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